I have written Java code for removing comments, annotations and extra spaces from Java source code.
package com.dukesoftware.utils.text; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import com.dukesoftware.utils.io.IOUtils; public class JavaSourceUtils { public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { String cleanedUpSource = removeCommentAndAnnotation(IOUtils.userDirectory( "workspace2/DukeSoftwareUtils/src/main/java/com/dukesoftware/utils/text/JavaSourceUtils.java" )); System.out.println(cleanedUpSource); } public static final String removeCommentAndAnnotation(File file) throws IOException { try(BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { return removeCommentAndAnnotation(br); } } private final static int CODE = 0; private final static int IN_STRING = 1; private final static int LINE_IN_COMMENT = 2; private final static int IN_CHAR = 3; public static final String removeCommentAndAnnotation(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { String line; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int status = CODE; while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){ line = line.trim(); if (line.isEmpty()) continue; if (line.startsWith("@")) continue; char[] chars = line.toCharArray(); for(int current = 0; current < chars.length; current++) { char c = chars[current]; final int next = current+1; switch(c) { case '\\': current++; result.append(c); if(next < chars.length) result.append(chars[next]); break; case '/': if(status == CODE) { if(next < chars.length) { if(chars[next] == '/') { current = chars.length; // skip rest of line } else if(chars[next] == '*') { status = LINE_IN_COMMENT; } else { result.append(c); } } else { result.append(c); } } else if(status == IN_STRING || status == IN_CHAR) { result.append(c); } break; case '*': if(status == LINE_IN_COMMENT && next < chars.length && chars[next] == '/') { status = CODE; current++; } else { result.append(c); } break; case '"': if(status == CODE) { status = IN_STRING; } else if(status == IN_STRING) { status = CODE; } result.append(c); break; case '\'': if(status == CODE) { status = IN_CHAR; } else if(status == IN_CHAR) { status = CODE; } result.append(c); break; default: result.append(c); break; } } result.append("\n"); } return result.toString(); } }