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The Simplest Setup to Use Amazon Product API in Java

In this post, I will explain the simplest setup to use Amazon Product API in Java. I know Amazon provides soap interface and we can automatically create Soap code for accessing Amazon Product API. But sometimes, it is too much for light users. So I will show you the simplest way to use Amazon Product API using SignedRequestsHelper. Hope this post helps your application development ;) Preparation Create an AWS Account Get AWS Key, secret key and associate tag: I think you can create them from http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/SQSGettingStartedGuide/AWSCredentials.html Get SignedRequestsHelper: You can download from https://code.google.com/p/amazon-product-advertising-api-sample/source/browse/src/com/amazon/advertising/api/sample/SignedRequestsHelper.java Java Code Example Congratulation! After you finish above preparation, now you can request Amazon Product API!! The following code shows how to use SignedRequestsHelper. The key points of the examp...