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Javascript Html 5 Canvas: Visualize CSV 2 Dimensional Data

Motivation: Visualize 2 Dimensional Data with Lightweight Way I wrote small java program for calculating Jaccard Similarity among source code in this post . And map into them 2 dimensional map using Multi Dimensional Scaling technique. I have used MDSJ – Multidimensional Scaling for Java . (By the way the library is quite simple and meet my requirement perfectly!! Excellent!!)> Next step is how to visualize the bunch of 2 dimensional (x,y) coordinate data so that human can easily understand. Of course, I am good at Java, I can write some code for visualize data in Java using Swing or Java FX etc. But it's not lightweight way. So, I decided to use HTML5 Canvas + Javascript. Viewer: Html5 Canvas + Javascript The features of the Data Viewer are: Visualize CSV data Expected 3 columns without header row: name...

CMSL (Connected Multilayer Spring Layout)

I finally announce Java Web Start Demo for CMSL (Connected Multilayer Spring Layout) is available!! 2013/11 Sorry, looks like jnlp not works very well. I stopped make the demo public. I developed the CMSL originally in 2008. Screenshots Source Code The source code is available on CMSL on sourceforge. Future Plan I know I need to do a lot of refactoring for the code, put functionality for playing music, support more flexible data structure, etc.... X( I will keep updates on this blog if something of CMSL is improved. Currently In order to improve the calculation speed for layout of elements, am working on following tasks Cell division algorithm Multi-threading The limit of number of elements frame rate which meet achieving 30fps is about 1000. Am targeting to achieve 10000 elements. Not sure people can see 1000 elements at a time though :P

Information Visualization

Software NattoView : Haha what a interesting software! KeyGraph : Visualize information relation and help people to discover hidden Key Information Book Beautiful Visualization Visualizing Data Beautiful Data Programming Language Processing : For Japanese, this entry of this blog contains a lot of information.