I wrote a tiny program for getting Youtube video information by hitting Youtube API in ActionScript 3.0. Some generic classes or methods might be missing but I think you can easily guess what they are doing and can add them easily yourself. Example Usage Ok, starting from the example usage. package utils.video { import flash.display.Sprite; import utils.file.SyncFileSaveDownLoader; import utils.ITaskProgressCounter; import utils.TaskProgressCounter; import utils.video.youtube.YoutubeAPI; import utils.video.YoutubeFLVURLGetEvent; import utils.video.youtube.YoutubeLocalCacheManager; import utils.video.youtube.YoutubeVideoEntryDispatcher; import utils.video.youtube.YoutubeVideoEntryEvent; public class Tester extends Sprite { private var downloader:SyncFileSaveDownLoader = new SyncFileSaveDownLoader(); private var youtubeLocalCacheManager:YoutubeLocalCacheManager = new YoutubeLocalCacheManager("c:\\temp\\youtube&qu