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C#: Create Indexed PNG Image Using pngcs Library

I have written C# program which create an indexed packed png image from a given png image using pngcs 1_1_4. What you need to use pngcs is adding reference of dll to your Visual Studio project - Pngcs.dll and ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.dll for .Net 2.0, and Pngcs45.dll for .Net4.5. I have used .Net 2.0 version because my Visual Studio is 2010. I have already written a program for generating indexed png in C# on this post - Create Indexed PNG Using C# .Net . But the png encoder Microsoft officially provides does not support compression level parameter. That is, even if png is indexed, the size of png image is not sufficient for me :( So I investigated other library which can handle png in C#, and finally found pncs! Main features of my program: Use minimum bit per pixel as much as possible Image which has alpha channel is is not supported because pngcs library doesn't support color palette with alpha channel If given image has alpha channel but all alpha channel value is 25...