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Excel VBA: Output Sheet as UTF-8 CSV

Save Excel Sheet as UTF-8 CSV file The biggest problem of Excel is that Excel does not support saving file as UTF-8 CSV format. I have googled and tried to find the solution for saving excel as UTF-8 CSV but all of them requires 2 steps - 1) saving Excel file as Unicode csv 2) Open it by text editor and save it again as UTF-8 CSV. If you are a software developer, it is easy to write Java or C# program to manipulate Excel. But it means people (non developer users) need to install or launch the application. So I have wrriten Excel VBA addin for saving Excel sheet as UTF-8 CSV file so that we can save UTF-8 excel files only using Excel. Code for saving UTF-8 CSV Okie!, here is my solution! Sme notes for the code: The code saves an active sheet to UTF-8 CSV file in temp folder. The error handring part is not robust. I have only wrriten minimum error handling. You might need to add your custome error handring. If you are okay to add BOM on the file, please remove the corresp...