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Ant Build Script for ActionScript 3.0 (AIR Application)

This is my ant build script used for building app. You know FlashDevelop can build swf however it only compiles minimum classes directly used in the program. So I always run ant build script in order to compile all ".as" and ".mxml" source files If you would like to use my ant script, need some preparation.... Flex PMD: You can download Flex PMD, which is used in my ant script, from here . PMD xslt: I just downloaded official sourceforge PMD zip (the version is 5.0.0 when I wrote this article) and simply picked up some useful xslt from pmd-src-5.0.0/etc/xslt My project directory hierarchy is something like this... <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <project name="DukeSoftwareBuildAS3" default="all" basedir="."> <property name="root.dir" value=".." /> <property file="${root.dir}/proj.properties" /> <property file="build.prop...

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