This class aims to parse directory and do something for each file.
You should just override proper methods, then call process method like this.
Here is the simplest example - just print all files under directories.
You should just override proper methods, then call process method like this.
new DirectoryDigger().process("c:/temp");
package utils.file { import flash.filesystem.File; public class DirectoryDigger { public function DirectoryDigger() { } public function process(path:String):Object { var file:File = new File(path); preProcess(file); processBody(file); return postProcess(file); } protected function processBody(file:File):void { if (file.isDirectory) { preProcessDir(file); var files : Array = file.getDirectoryListing(); for (var i : int = 0; i < files.length; i++) { processBody(files[i] as File); } postProcessDir(file); } else { if(accept(file)){ processFile(file); } } } // the following method should be overridden if necessary protected function preProcess(file:File):void {} protected function postProcess(file:File):Object { return null; } protected function processFile(file:File) :void {} protected function preProcessDir(dir:File): void { } protected function postProcessDir(dir:File): void { } public function accept(file : File) : Boolean { return false; } } }
Here is the simplest example - just print all files under directories.
package utils.tool { import flash.filesystem.File; import utils.file.DirectoryDigger; public class PrintFileProcessor extends DirectoryDigger { public function PrintFileProcessor() { } protected override function preProcess(file:File):void { trace("start :" + file.nativePath); } override protected function postProcess(file:File):Object { trace("finish:" + file.nativePath); return null; } protected override function processFile(file:File):void { trace(file.nativePath); } } }