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Java: How to Set Proxy on HttpURLConnection

If you need to set proxy address on Java HttpURLConnection. Do something like below. public static String getString(String urlStr) throws Exception { HttpURLConnection connection = null; InputStream is = null; try { URI uri = new URI(urlStr); // settin proxy String proxyHost = ""; // your proxy serever address int proxyPort = 8080; // your proxy port Proxy proxy = new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxyHost, proxyPort)); // open connection with passing Proxy Object connection = (HttpURLConnection)uri.toURL().openConnection(proxy); connection.connect(); is = connection.getInputStream(); String content = toString(is); return content; } finally{ closeQuietly(is); if(connection != null) { connection.disconnect(); } } } private static String toString(InputStream is) throws IOException { byt...

Restrict Html Tags which User Can Input (PHP)

I tried to implement very simple html edit text area which has available tags user can input are restricted. So I needed to implement a validator which detects tags not allowed to use. The proper (but a bit heavy) implementation approach is using Tidy . It can validate entire html and also fix and clean up html source! However in my case using tidy is a bit overkill solution. Instead of using tidy, I decided to use strip_tags function. The disadvantage is that the function does not validate html syntax. e.g. inaccurate than using tidy.- "strip_tags function does not actually validate the html, partial or broken tags can result in the removal of more text/data than expected." as the official PHP document says. Okie, as long as we understand the disadvantage, we can use this function. Let's show you the code. function validateOnlyAllowedTags($html, $tags) { $stripped = strip_tags($html, $tags); // if no tags are stripped, the length of html contents ...

Creating SVN Tag in Bash

In this post, I will show you an example bash script for creating svn tag. First, if you would like to create tag on svn, you simply execute the following command. svn copy 'source_url' 'tag_url' Okay then, we simply call the above command in bash script. I use revision number and time stamp as tag name. Instead of using revision number, maybe you can prepare version number file and count up it when creating tag. #!/bin/bash SVN_USERNAME=dukesoftware SVN_PASSWORD=some_password SVN_INFO_COMMAND="svn info --username $SVN_USERNAME --password $SVN_PASSWORD --non-interactive" SVN_COPY_COMMAND="svn copy --username $SVN_USERNAME --password $SVN_PASSWORD --non-interactive" svn_project_trunk="http://somewhere.svn/project/trunk" svn_project_base=${svn_project_trunk/trunk/} # Getting revision from svn info command # Need this line for displaying message of svn info command in English forcibly. export LC_MESSAGES=C revision=`$SVN_INFO_CO...

Html Layout by JSP

Introduction In this post, I will introduce how to achieve html layout by jsp. You just define layout and put piece of elements in each actual jsp. I won't explain details but just show you an quick example for sharing "header & footer" in all jsp pages. If you are interested in how & why it works, please refer jsp documentation (or googling). Code Simply you need to prepare a layout tag file and actual jsp files. Prepare layout.tag (actually name is not so important) and put it under WEB-INF/tags. Put header.jsp and footer.jsp under WEB-INF/views/ Create actual jsp which include taglib you previously defined above step. Ok now I will show you the actual codes. layout.tag A key part is using fragment feature. <%@tag description="Layout template" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <%@attribute name="main" fragment="true" %> <%@attribute name="head" fragment="true" %> <%@attribu...

URI Encode for Java

I always forget and struggling about the behavior of Java methods and classes for encoding uri. To clear my heads I will post small test codes. import java.net.URI; import java.net.URLEncoder; import java.util.BitSet; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.util.URIUtil; public class URIEncodeExample { // hehe using Japanese :p private static final String INPUT = "あいうえお/"; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // java.net.URI // slash is not encoded because it is detected as a path separator // %E3%81%82%E3%81%84%E3%81%86%E3%81%88%E3%81%8A/ System.out.println(URI.create(INPUT).toASCIIString()); // java.net.URI + relativize // slash is not encoded because it is detected as a path separator // %E3%81%82%E3%81%84%E3%81%86%E3%81%88%E3%81%8A/ URI root = new URI("http", "dummy.com", null, null); URI uri = new URI("http", "dummy.com", ...

Regex: Detect Repeated String Chunks

Target strings I am trying to detect string which contains repeated string pattern like below. .....ABCDABCDABCD..... "ABCD" is just an example, it can be any fixed length of string chunk. Solution Regex Thinking for a bit and finally reached the solution regex which meets my demand is something like below. (.{4,})\\1{3,} The above regex matches string whose length of the chunk is more than 4 and it should be repeated equal or more than 4 times. In more general regex is below (using pattern formatting). String.format("(.{%d,})\\1{%d,}", minChunkLen, times-1) Java Code Ok you know I am Java lover, I will show you full regex code with test cases. If you found any bugs on the code please feel free to comment. public static final boolean isRepeatedStrIn(String input, int minChunkLen, int times) { return input.matches(String.format("(.{%d,})\\1{%d,}", minChunkLen, times-1)); } package com.dukesoftware.utils.common; import java.util.Array...