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7月, 2013の投稿を表示しています

Java: Extract img src from HTML

Here is an code snippet for extracting image src from html. private static final Pattern IMG_SRC_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("<img\\s+.*src\\s*=\\s*('|\")(.+?)\\1.+?>"); public static List<String> extractImgSrces(final String content) { List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(); final Matcher matcher = IMG_SRC_PATTERN.matcher(content); while(matcher.find()){ list.add(matcher.group(2)); } return list; } The example usage is below. In this example, you should only prepare HttpUtils.getStringContentsFromURL method, which is getting html from given url, for your self. public static void main(String[] args) throws URISyntaxException, IOException { extractImgSrces(HttpUtils.getStringContentsFromURL("http://www.google.com/", "utf-8")).stream().forEach(System.out::println); }

Set Specific Revision Number for SVN External

Sometimes, You might want to set revision number for svn-external repository explicitly. In that case, you should just set svn-external with "-rXXXX" on your svn property (XXXX is the revision number you want to set)! I confimred it worked perfectly on windows, linux svn client. lib -rXXXX [svn-external target url]